Tipo de evento: Seminário LNCC
How to proceed for understanding better nature-society interactions to be applied in models that integrate environment , human activities and sustainability? What are the long term trends that could strongly influence nature´-society interactions, such as economic development, society material needs and aspirations, demographic expansion, threatening sustainability? Which factors determine the vulnerability/resilience of nature-society interactions for specific regions, ecosystems and societies? Is it possible to establish limits, on the basis of consistent scientific criteria, beyond which the system nature-society could run into a non return degradation process? How to coordinate in a efficient way activities such as research, planning, monitoring, such that they could help making decisions on a sound bases for societys benefit?
Data Início: 09/03/2005 Hora: 14:00 Data Fim: Hora: 15:00
Local: LNCC - Laboratório Nacional de Computação Ciêntifica - Auditorio A
Comitê Organizador: Luiz Bevilacqua - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ - bevi@lncc.br